KING - Results
There are 4 sections in the KING part of this site, including this one, that deal with e-mini trading results, all of which were achieved in real time trading. The 3 of these sections (see here and here for the first two) present the results of Katherine, my first KING student, while one of them showcases my own results.
It is there that you will find over 770 screenshots (as of mid December 2015), similar to the one you can see below, showing a very representative sample of my daily results. All these trading days amount to about 36 continuous months of trading. I stopped posting them in 2016, but continued tweeting them in 2016 and as of mid August 2016 there are over 820 trading results days covered by this site and Twitter in total. I have been tweeting these results in near real-time for over 3 years now. There is also a very extensive section of Testimonials in which the performance of several of my other KING students is mentioned and a few screenshots with their e-mini trading results are shown too. It is quite safe to say that you will find it rather challenging to find another website out there that shows as much in terms of results well backed by evidence as this one. |
The following are the e-mini trading results my first mentoree, Katherine, achieved using my ideas, the same you will find in KING, and support.
Week 5: 7/14/08-7/18/08 +$1428.60, trading YM, daily goal: $200+; average day: +$285.72; all days profitable. Week 4: 7/07/08-7/11/08 +$1637.44, trading YM, daily goal: $200+; average day: +$327.49; all days profitable. Week 3: 6/23/08-6/27/08 +$1874.5, trading ES, daily goal: $200+; average day: +$374.9; all days profitable. Week 2: 6/16/08-6/20/08 +$687.9, trading ES, daily goal: $100+; average day: +$137.58; all days profitable. Week 1: 6/9/08-6/13/08 +$624.4, trading ES, daily goal: $100+; average day: +$124.88; all days profitable. |
What we have here are 5 consistently profitable weeks. Pretty much in a row, and not some suitably selected from a distant past just to prove my point but very recent ones as of this writing. If this does not convince everyone that one can make money day trading e-minis, especially using my trading ideas, then I don't know what can do it for them.
Remember also that these results have been achieved by a relative newcomer to this field, with only a few weeks of prior experience. Many people take months if not years to become as consistently profitable as Katherine got literally days after applying my ideas.
During the July 4th week she traded only on that week's Monday and it was another profitable day. Then she took a break until next week starting 7/07/08. Also, she started using my ideas in the week prior to the one starting 6/9/08. She did that on that week's last three days making money each day. Most trades, roughly over 75%, involved only one contract.
All this is documented with screenshots, just like the one you see below, which is only a sample. All screenshots are now disclosed in the form of a video.
For some more screenshots showing Katherine's daily results, see this page and also this one.